Bonsoir, Je souhaite rejouer à Diablo 2 (cd) + LOD (cd) sur mon pc. Je tente depuis hier de l'installer, à maintes reprises, impossible "aucun mode vidéo"Pour info windows 10 64b version10586 ...
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Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction (USA) PC ISO Download - Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction (USA) PC ISO Download for PC/Windows. Game description, information and PC download page. Diablo II - Lord of Destruction (free version) download for PC Download Diablo II - Lord of Destruction for free. Diablo II - Lord of Destruction - The expansion to Diablo II adds a host of new features to the game, including two new playable classes -- the shape-shifting Druid and the cunning Assassin. 7 64-bit Diablo / Diablo II / Lord of Destruction - Microsoft ... now, in the diablo II install directory, run the d2vidtst.exe file, run the self tester then choose the Direct3D video mode. in the same directory, right click the diablo II.exe file and choose to run the game in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2). diablo 2 sous Windows 8.1 sur le forum Diablo II - 26-07-2015 ...
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